💵 Trillion-Dollar Tidings

AND: From Lawsuits to Louvres

In today’s Tracker:

Read time: 2 shakes of a duck’s tail

  • 🧪 Research highlights: Picturing PaCa: A Revolutionary Leap in AI Vision Systems

  • 🚨 Industry news: How ChatGPT and Bard are Ushering in the AI Market Boom

  • ⚖️ Policy and regulation: Japan to OpenAI: Mind the Data, Please!

  • 🌐 AI and society: AI Brushes up on Art

🥼 Picturing PaCa: A Revolutionary Leap in AI Vision Systems

"Patch-to-Cluster attention" (PaCa) is a new method developed by North Carolina State University researchers to improve the efficacy and transparency of vision transformers (ViTs), an AI technology that identifies or categorizes objects in images.

ViTs, comparable to the transformer models used in language-based AI such as ChatGPT, present challenges regarding computational power requirements and decision-making transparency due to the large amount of data in images and the complexity of their decision-making processes.

PaCa addresses these issues by employing clustering techniques, which group image regions based on their similarities, thereby reducing computational requirements and enhancing model interpretability.

PaCa outperformed other state-of-the-art ViTs in classifying, identifying, and segmenting objects in images and was also more efficient. The following step for the researchers is to scale up PaCa by training it with more extensive, foundational datasets.

The results have been published on the arXiv preprint server and will be presented at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Okay, what does this mean? This technique makes the AI look at similar parts of the picture together, which makes the AI's work more accessible and also helps people understand how the AI is making decisions.

📈 How ChatGPT and Bard are Ushering in the AI Market Boom

The advent of consumer-centric artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT and Google's Bard is anticipated to cause a surge in the market for generative AI, increasing its estimated value from $40 billion in the previous year to a staggering $1,3 trillion by 2032.

This market expansion, anticipated to grow at a rate of 42% over the next decade, is anticipated to be initially driven by the demand for infrastructure required to train AI systems.

Later, this expansion will be sustained by AI-powered devices, advertising, and other services. The basis for these forecasts is a recent report by analysts at Bloomberg Intelligence, led by Mandeep Singh.

🗾 Japan to OpenAI: Mind the Data, Please!

The Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan's privacy authority, has cautioned OpenAI, the creator of the ChatGPT chatbot, against collecting sensitive data without users' consent, emphasizing the significance of minimizing the sensitive data used for machine learning.

This occurs amid a global scurry to develop regulations for generative artificial intelligence (AI), a technology whose impact has been compared to that of the Internet's introduction.

The warning from Japan, the third-largest traffic source to OpenAI's website, reflects the country's urgent need to keep up with AI and robotics advancements in light of its population decline.

Regulators have attempted to balance privacy concerns and the potential benefits of generative AI, such as fostering innovation and addressing environmental issues.

OpenAI has complied with local regulations in Europe, where a ChatGPT task force has been established, by implementing age verification features and allowing users to prohibit their information from being used to train the system.

🖌️ AI Brushes Up on Art

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the arts has not been without controversy, as AI tools that transform the text into images, such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E, have been sued by copyright holders alleging that these apps use their work without permission to train algorithms.

Despite these obstacles, AI-generated art is acquiring legitimacy within established cultural institutions.

For instance, Refik Anadol, a new-media artist, utilized AI to create the installation "Unsupervised," which is on display at the Museum of Modern Art.

Anadol trained an AI model on more than 200 works of art from the museum's collection, demonstrating the potential for AI to contribute to the creative process and providing a glimpse into the evolving relationship between technology and art.

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Hyperion by Dan Simmons: A science fiction epic set in the distant future in which devotees journey to the mysterious world of Hyperion. A scholar among the pilgrims carries a dangerous AI with a secret agenda, resulting in a time- and space-spanning conflict.


  • 🎮 Krikey AI - is a mobile augmented reality game platform that employs artificial intelligence to generate engaging gaming experiences.

  • ✍️ Better Synonyms - is an artificial intelligence tool intended to assist you in finding synonyms that have the same meaning as the word you’re looking for and fit more organically in your sentence.

  • 🤖 Marmof Chat - you can now have a smooth, human-like interaction with AI. You can ask your chatbot for suggestions, edit your content or even get some jokes to brighten your day.

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