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The Great Wall of Semiconductors
PLUS: The Case for an Algorithmic Almanac
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to AI
Salutations, star voyagers of the silicon universe! As we venture deeper into the vast AI cosmos this Tuesday, remember even the most complex star systems started as a single point of light. Whether you're grappling with a supernova-sized problem or just sifting through the stardust of data, remember, every small step is a leap forward in our journey. Let's set our coordinates and blast off toward new AI discoveries!
In today’s Tracker:
🧪 Research highlights: Brain Mimicking Breakthrough
🚨 Industry news: Humane's Ai Pin and the Future of Wearable Tech
⚖️ Policy and regulation: China Tightens Grip on Semiconductors
🌐 AI and society: The Global AI Observatory
🧰 Snippets
💻Brain Mimicking Breakthrough Rewrites Rules of Computing
Japan's Tokyo University of Science and the National Institute of Materials Science have developed a revolutionary redox-based ion-gating reservoir system that significantly advances the field of neuromorphic computing, which seeks to mimic how the human brain processes information.
This innovation hinges on developing a transistor system that effectively multiplies the number of reservoir states in a physical system, resulting in increased computational efficiency and speed.
Using redox reactions in lithium-ion conducting glass ceramic (LICGC), the system introduces short-term memory capabilities by delaying the response between the drain and gate currents. Comparing the device's performance to that of extant physical reservoirs such as memristors and spin torque devices, its superiority is striking.
According to Associate Professor Tohru Higuchi, the technology has the potential to be implemented in a wide variety of electronic devices, such as computers and mobile devices, thereby accelerating the development of AI and big data processing.
The primary contribution of this study is creating a redox-based ion-gating reservoir system that advances the possibility of high-performance neuromorphic computation by demonstrating superior performance in tasks requiring complex nonlinear operations and predictions.
🧷Clip-on Innovation as Humane's Ai Pin Reshapes the Future of Wearable Tech
Humane, a startup founded by former Apple employees Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, has announced the Humane Ai Pin as its first product.
This inventive wearable device, equipped with a projected display and artificial intelligence features, promises to perform many smartphone-like tasks with less reliance on gestures and voice commands.
The Ai Pin is designed to be clipped onto clothing and is activated with a tap. It can summarize emails and calendar invites, translate languages, and manage phone conversations. Its built-in camera and depth sensor can recognize nearby objects and project an interactive interface onto nearby surfaces.
Humane collaborates closely with Qualcomm, Microsoft, SK Networks, OpenAI, LG, and Volvo on the distribution and development of the Ai Pin. The San Francisco-based company employs more than 200 individuals and has raised $230 million from various investors.
The highlight of this announcement is the unveiling of the Humane Ai Pin, a device powered by artificial intelligence that seeks to redefine personal mobile computing by providing a screenless and sense experience.
🇨🇳 China Tightens Grip on Semiconductor Metals
China has recently declared export restrictions on gallium and germanium, two essential metals used in the production of semiconductors.
This move is an escalating response to the ongoing tech conflict with Europe and the United States. This regulation, which goes into effect on August 1, mandates that exporters obtain licenses outlining the identity of importers and end users and the intended use of the metals.
Though analysts at the Eurasia Group believe the impact on global supply will be limited, they view the move as a warning from China, reminding nations such as the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands of its potential retaliatory measures in response to any further restrictions on Chinese access to high-end chips and tools.
Despite China's assertion that these controls are not aimed at any particular nation, this development arrives at a crucial time, just prior to Treasury Secretary Yellen's planned visit to China.
🛰 A Hitchhiker’s Guide to AI Governance: The GAIO Proposition
A new proposal calls for establishing a Global AI Observatory (GAIO) in an environment where governments struggle to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI) effectively, and significant corporations and technologists contribute minimally to the debate.
The authors, Geoff Mulgan and Divya Siddarth contend that the observatory would provide crucial data and analysis to inform policy and broader decisions. GAIO would offer a dependable source of AI data, models, and interpretation, drawing parallels to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
While acknowledging the difficulties in making such an institution effective and credible, they argue that GAIO could serve as a central repository for AI-related information, incident reports, and regulatory proposals.
The authors argue that shared knowledge and analysis facilitated by GAIO would serve as the basis for nations to develop their own AI policies, thereby assisting in harnessing AI's benefits and mitigating its risks.
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Intelligence is more important than strength; that is why Earth is ruled by men and not by animals. ― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
👩🏽⚖️ Astria- Advanced AI system designed for legal work, providing expert analysis of legal documents and increasing productivity.
👨🏽🎨 Fugueai- AI-powered art creation tool transforming text descriptions into realistic, original images.
📧 PowerbrainAI- Advanced AI assistant for automating tasks and boosting productivity on iOS and Android.
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