๐Ÿ”Ž iNeed Experts: A Generative Job Hunt

AND: From Hiroshima with AI

In todayโ€™s Tracker:

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  • ๐Ÿงช Research highlights: Charm 'Bot to Creativity: Charismatic Robots Unleash Human Innovation

  • ๐Ÿšจ Industry news: Apple's Quest for Generative AI Talent

  • โš–๏ธ Policy and regulation: Setting the AI Standard: G7's Call for International AI Governance

  • ๐ŸŒ AI and society: Political Circuitry: Re-Wiring Philosophy in the AI Epoch

  • ๐Ÿงฐ Tool of the day: Verbatim: Speak Your Mind

  • ๐Ÿง  Letโ€™s get smart with AI: Batch normalization: Giving Neural Networks a Balanced Diet of Data!

๐Ÿค– Charm 'Bot to Creativity: Charismatic Robots Unleash Human Innovation

A study by the University of Southern Denmark revealed that social robots with compelling voices could improve human-team innovation.

In the study, a robot was used to educate student teams in a creativity exercise, using either a charismatic or a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

The results showed that teams exposed to the charismatic voice generated more innovative and elaborate ideas. Furthermore, the students judged the charismatic robot favorably and considered their teamwork more successful.

On the other hand, teams that listened to the non-charismatic voice believed themselves to be more robust and efficient.

While the charismatic voice led to superior creativity outcomes in general, the researchers stressed that more extensive studies are needed to investigate the influence of external circumstances and cultural differences in perceiving charisma.

๐ŸŽ Apple's Quest for Generative AI Talent

Apple is actively recruiting generative AI specialists, as evidenced by the recent placement of a dozen job listings on its career page.

The company seeks machine learning specialists committed to developing exceptional autonomous systems in the field of generative artificial intelligence.

The job postings have appeared during uncertainty regarding Apple's generative AI strategy.

Apple has reportedly restricted using external generative AI tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT due to fears of confidential data leakage, despite CEO Tim Cook's interest in the technology. This will potentially contribute to Apple developing its generative AI products or aiding third-party applications.

The positions are primarily in San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Seattle, focusing on visual generative AI applications.

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Setting the AI Standard: G7's Call for International AI Governance

G7 leaders have called for establishing and adopting international technical standards for trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI), echoing the sentiments of the European Union, which is close to enacting what could be the world's first comprehensive AI law.

In a statement, the leaders emphasized the significance of modernizing the digital economy's governance by democratic principles.

The G7 leaders also emphasized the need to comprehend the opportunities and challenges of generative AI, citing the ChatGPT app in particular.

By the end of the year, they agreed to establish a ministerial forum dubbed the "Hiroshima AI process" to discuss issues surrounding generative AI tools.

โœ’๏ธ Political Circuitry: Re-Wiring Philosophy in the AI Epoch

What would be aptly described as the โ€˜Cambrian Explosion of AIโ€™ begs the question- does this nascence of AI technology require a new political philosophy?

Indeed, the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) in society necessitates a new political philosophy.

As AI technology transforms various industries, from healthcare to the economy, it raises profound ethical, social, and political concerns.

The effects of artificial intelligence on job displacement, data privacy, and social inequality highlight the need for a political philosophy capable of navigating these intricate issues.

This philosophy should provide a framework for regulations and laws safeguarding individual rights and guarantee equitable access to AI's benefits.

Additionally, it must oversee international cooperation, as the effects of AI transcend national boundaries.

Consequently, this emergent era of artificial intelligence necessitates a political philosophy that is inclusive, future-focused, and prepared for the complexities posed by technological advances.

๐Ÿ”Š Verbatim: Speak Your Mind

Verbatik is an AI-powered text-to-speech (TTS) generator that converts written text into a natural-sounding voice. With a growing collection of over 600 natural-sounding voices accessible in 142 languages and accents, Verbatik is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to create audio material quickly and effectively.

Learn more about the tool here.

๐ŸŒ Batch normalization: Giving Neural Networks a Balanced Diet of Data!

Batch normalization is a technique in artificial intelligence, specifically deep learning, to help neural networks train faster and more accurately. The data is usually passed through in batches when training a neural network.

The idea behind batch normalization is to normalize, or standardize, the input layer by adjusting and scaling the activations.

For instance, imagine a batch of students' grades ranging from 60 to 100. In batch normalization, these grades might be adjusted so that the batch has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, effectively making the distribution of grades more regular and the learning process easier for the next layer in the network. This leads to faster learning and higher overall accuracy.

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-Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the MIT initiative on the digital economy

In this era of profound digital transformation, itโ€™s important to remember that business, as well as government, has a role to play in creating shared prosperity โ€” not just prosperity. After all, the same technologies that can be used to concentrate wealth and power can also be used to distribute it more widely and empower more people.

-Patrick Lencioni

Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.

r/Futurology, u/capcaunul

Credit: bobgtrapp

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