🤟 Breaking the Silence

PLUS: Regulatory Roulette and Just Another Dinner with Elon

In today’s Tracker:

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  • 🧪 Research highlights: AI Steps up for Sign Language Translation

  • 🚨 Industry news: AI Shares Ascend as Nvidia Chips in Strong Forecasts

  • ⚖️ Policy and regulation: Regulatory Roulette: OpenAI May Say Au Revoir to Europe over AI Rules

  • 🌐 AI and society: Musk's Dystopian Nanny: AI as Humanity's Babysitter

  • 🧰 Tool of the day: STORYD: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

  • 🧠 Let’s get smart with AI: Too Many Cooks in the Dataset? Try Dimensionality Reduction!

🧏 AI Steps up for Sign Language Translation

In an effort to promote digital inclusion for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, researchers from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center—Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) have developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tool that automates sign language translation.

This innovation represents a significant advancement in the field of accessibility technology, eliminating communication barriers and facilitating interaction with technologies that traditionally only support spoken languages.

The experimental system uses a machine learning model, Transformers, the foundation of AI tools such as ChatGPT, to convert sign language sentences captured in video format to textual spoken language.

Although the system currently concentrates on American Sign Language (ASL), it has the potential to be adapted to any sign language, given the availability of the necessary data.

Despite this remarkable innovation, the researchers acknowledge that the work is preliminary, and they intend to continue refining the tool in order to create a completely functional application that will increase technological accessibility for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

This innovation has been displayed at AI-related exhibitions and is part of a larger mission to create more inclusive and accessible technologies.

💵 AI Shares Ascend as Nvidia Chips in Strong Forecasts

On May 24, artificial intelligence (AI)-related equities experienced a significant surge, resulting in a market capitalization increase of nearly $300 billion.

This rally was prompted by optimistic projections from chipmaker Nvidia Corp, which reported robust revenue growth and an increase in AI chip production to meet rising demand. After the announcement, Nvidia's stock increased by up to 28%, bringing the company's market value to over $960 billion and reinforcing its position as the world's most valuable chipmaker.

Additional $100 billion were added to the valuation of the stock market by other AI-related companies that experienced a significant upturn. Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD) grew by 10%, while Microsoft and Google's parent company Alphabet grew by 2% each.

C3.ai and Palantir Technologies, both of which have recently launched their own AI platforms, also experienced significant growth.

This year's increase in interest in artificial intelligence can be partially attributed to the success of OpenAI's ChatGPT, which attracted over a million users within a week of its release.

🌐 Regulatory Roulette: OpenAI May Say Au Revoir to Europe over AI Rules

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman indicated that the company, which is known for developing the ChatGPT tool, may have to consider leaving Europe if it is unable to comply with the forthcoming artificial intelligence (AI) regulations set by the European Union (EU).

The EU is currently developing what could be the world's first set of regulations governing artificial intelligence.

Companies deploying generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are required by the proposed regulations to disclose any copyrighted materials used in the development of their systems.

Altman has stated that the company intends to comply with the regulations once they are finalized, but he has also expressed concerns about potential overregulation in the current draft of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act.

As EU parliamentarians have reached a consensus on the text, it will now be discussed by representatives of the Parliament, the Council, and the Commission in order to finalize the legislation.

Altman also mentioned potential modifications, such as the redefinition of "General Purpose AI Systems," a proposed category that would encompass AI tools with multiple applications, such as ChatGPT.

🍼 Musk's Dystopian Nanny: AI as Humanity's Babysitter

Elon Musk, the tech magnate known for his work at Tesla and SpaceX, discussed his complex views on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) during a fascinating dinner conversation.

Despite his involvement with AI at Tesla and OpenAI, Musk expressed skepticism regarding the rapid and apparently unrestrained development of artificial general intelligence.

He expressed concern over the potential dangers posed by such technologies, including the possibility of AI stifling or even eradicating human development. In the same breath, however, he presented a more benevolent vision of AI as a strict supervisor or "uber-nanny" for humanity, assuming control of various Earthly systems in the name of human safety.

This conversation occurred at the same time that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his 2024 presidential campaign on a Twitter Space hosted by David Sacks and featuring Elon Musk.

📖 STORYD: Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

STORYD is an AI-powered presentation tool allowing users to build captivating and engaging presentations quickly. This tool analyzes the presentation’s content and recommends improving its structure, flow, and effect using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning methods.

Learn more about the tool here.

🤔 Too Many Cooks in the Dataset? Try Dimensionality Reduction!

Dimensionality reduction is like simplifying a complex recipe. Imagine you have a recipe with 50 ingredients, which is quite a lot to handle. But you notice that some ingredients are very similar or have minor impacts on the final dish. So, you decide to combine or remove some of these ingredients to make the recipe more manageable, and yet the taste of the dish remains largely the same.

That's what dimensionality reduction does in machine learning. It simplifies a dataset with many features (the "ingredients") to a dataset with fewer features, while still preserving the essential patterns or structures in the data. This makes it easier and faster to build and run machine learning models.

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-Michael Chiu, partner, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)

Our research says that 50% of the activities that we pay people to do can be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies. We think it’ll take decades, but it will happen. So there is a role for business leaders to try to understand how to redeploy talent. It’s important to think about mass redeployment instead of mass unemployment. That’s the right problem to solve.

-Calvin Coolidge

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

r/soccer, u/TheBiasedSportsLover

Credit: 9GAGGER

  • 🤙🏽Sybill - is an AI program that accurately summarizes sales calls and sends follow-up emails.

  • 🍸BoozyBlend - is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that provides users with the finest cocktail concoctions based on their individual preferences.

  • 📦Smartscout - is an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven tool that assists Amazon merchants in optimizing their listings for human shoppers and Amazon’s search algorithms.

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